Languages We Speak
Jingles and Radio Campaigns in Multiple Indian Languages (and then some)
So what does a national brand do, when it needs a national campaign; in more languages than one? It writes the first piece in either English or Hindi, then sends it for translation to various agencies Across India. The translated work is then outsourced to different studios that specialize in specific languages across India. Each studio has a different ‘feel’ for sound and hence produces a ‘unique’ product.
By the end of the project the ‘national’ campaign has taken away the two most important resources we have, time and money, and the result may still not be a consistent-sounding campaign across languages.
We saw this challenge as an opportunity and over time developed both musical and voice competencies in all regional languages of India. This means that you can now put your feet up, while we take the entire project on ‘turn-key’. 15 languages? No Problem!
Listen to this project we did for Maruti, for their ‘Genuine Parts’ division.
The radio jingle spots are in different languages, and still maintain consistency; so important for national campaigns. Including the fact that these are all sung. Notice how all spots have the same ‘feel’ and quality, and how (if you understand the languages), each translation continues to have lyrical consistency and how the ‘meaning’ stays constant.
The sample set is ...Hindi, Telegu, Malayalam, Bangla and Kannada. Enjoy! Some colours of India.
Campaign for OLX
This set of spots below is from a campaign for OLX. National again. Multiple languages again. Well made and delivered again. :)

Jingles for Nepal
The samples below are from our work in Nepali. Pashupati Paints and Jagdamba Steel are two of Nepal's most prominent brands.